The Secret Used by Celebrities, Athletes, and Royalty...
For Your Perfect Body...Exposed!

(HINT: They Don't Want You To Know!)

We all have a turning point, what will be yours?

“Mom, please stay in the car… My friends CAN’T see you.” 

Wendy’s daughter’s words hit her like a ton of bricks…  

Tears welled up in Wendy’s eyes… 

And she instantly got a knot in the pit of her stomach. 

Wendy realized why her daughter didn’t want her friends to see her… 

And an overwhelming sense of embarrassment, disappointment, and frustration cocooned her, much like the added weight felt like on her body. 

Wendy’s mind was telling her the best place to be right now is rolled up into a ball laying under her covers in bed. 

But she had to get to work. 

So she gave her daughter an awkward smile, waved, and told her to have a great day at school…

But on the inside, Wendy was thinking that she’d been blindsided. 

She had no idea how embarrassed her daughter was about her weight.

“Why can’t you be like the other moms?” 

Those words cut through her like a knife cuts through soft butter. 

How did she let her weight become such a problem? 

It’s not like she hadn’t been trying either… 

She tried all the popular diets, pills, and treatments but nothing worked long term… 

She bought the special diet foods... 

She tried all the boring yet excruciating workout programs…

And she even went as far as using those "magic" weight loss pills & treatments (you know, the ones that claim you’ll lose 10 pounds in two weeks)...

But nothing worked to help her keep off the weight she lost.

After a couple of months on her diet she would slip back into old habits. 

Her cravings would take over and soon a "cheat meal" would turn into a "cheat day" and then a "cheat week." She would promise herself that she would start over on Monday and get back on track.

She was sick of feeling like this. She was sick of hating her body and punishing herself for eating food that she enjoyed. 

Wendy was ready to be free from her non-stop all consuming thoughts about her body.

She was ready to feel good about herself.

She deserved to feel good.
While sitting in the carpool lane she thought about all of the wasted mental energy she had spent thinking and agonizing about her weight.

How could her weight be the one thing that overshadowed all of the wonderful things about her? 

She knew that she was a wonderful mother no matter her size. 

Her husband loved and adored her exactly as she was today. 

Her friends thought she was brilliant, quirky, and hilarious. They didn't care one bit about her dress size.

The negative thoughts were all hers and hers alone.

That's when Wendy decided it was time for her to gain back her confidence and to lose the weight for good. 

For the first time in a long time Wendy felt hopeful. 

She jumped on her laptop back at home and began her search for a REAL solution.

How could A-list celebrities, models, and even reality TV stars look SO perfect? Did they workout all day? Starve themselves? Spend a fortune on plastic surgery? 

What normal person has the time or money to live up to society's standards to be perfect and thin? 

She knew she owed it to herself to find a solution.

And that's exactly what she did.

After research and reading extensive articles online she found what she was looking for. 

Finally, a way to lose weight that didn't involve torturing herself with diet or exercise.

A solution that fixed the root cause of her weight-gain. No more bandaids to temporarily fix the problem! 

That's when Wendy added this 30 minute routine to her evening for 21 days and started to quickly and effortlessly shed the weight.

And the weight never came back.

She was in control. She was her perfect weight that she had dreamed about.

She was the mom she always wanted to be. She could keep up with her kids! She even had the energy to start coaching her daughter’s soccer team… 

Her friends couldn't believe how healthy and happy she looked. 

She looked fantastic and they wanted to know her secret.

The good news is that it isn't a secret! I believe that everyone deserves to feel good. Including Wendy's friends. 


I want to help you just like I helped Wendy and thousands of other women struggling with their weight.

I promise I will share this weight-loss secret (that ISN'T a SECRET) with you in just a moment. 

But first...

Let me start by introducing myself...

Hi, my name is Marisa Peer 

I'm a globally acclaimed therapist, best-selling author, and award-winning speaker.

My life's mission is to spread the message that there are simple, rapid, and effective techniques everyone can use that can truly change your life.

I was featured in The Midas List: 22 Successful British Women to Follow in 2022 and I have been invited to speak everywhere from TEDx and Condé Nast to the Royal Society of Medicine, about my impassioned and effective approach to changing people’s lives from within with therapy.

Having helped my clients, including Hollywood celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and professional athletes for over 30 years, I was able to create my multi-award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy® program.

This one-of-a-kind method and its foundation is guided by the unconventional idea that you don’t need a lifetime to learn, master and then change the processes of the mind.

Before this methodology, I thought people had to see me in person to have a session with me. I flew all over the world to have sessions with clients, but I always wanted to make myself more available to everyone.

I have always believed that everybody deserves to feel good about themselves! Not just celebrities, public figures, and athletes. 

Today, I can help more people, like you, with my instant downloadable therapy sessions. I can be anywhere at anytime.

Together we can help you reach your Perfect Weight and keep it off.

I can't wait to take the first step with you.

I am ready when you are.

You Are Not Alone For This Weight-Loss Journey 
Let's Do This Together

Until now, all of your struggles with your weight come down to one thing... 

You have been trying to fix the wrong problem!

Losing weight with crash diets and exercise is like buying a snow plow to stop the snow.

Yes, you will live without snow on your sidewalks for a little while, but as soon as it snows again you will need to pull out the snow plow.

It's a temporary fix.

The snow plow won't stop the snow from falling each winter. 


For a real and permanent solution you need to fix the root cause of the issue.

You have simply been walking down the wrong path to lose weight.

You have been trying to fix the effect instead of the cause.

Contrary to popular belief, you DO NOT have to do any of these to lose weight:

  • You don’t have to do expensive surgeries like liposuction or a tummy tuck…
  • You don’t have to throw out all the junk food in your house…
  • You don’t need to take any diet pills…  
  • ​You don’t need to drink a gallon of water…
  • ​You don’t have to do an hour of cardio each day…
  • ​You don’t need to seek a personal trainer or chef like celebrities do…  

These are all effective, yes...

But temporary and do not fix the root cause of your weight gain.

In order to fix the root cause of weight gain, you must first take a closer look at your mind and how you feel about yourself.

Research Shows That Diets Fail 98% Of The Time

98% of people who go on a diet put all the weight back on within a year! 

And often people gain additional weight too. 

Traci Mann, UCLA associate professor of psychology and lead author of a UCLA dieting study said, “We decided to dig up and analyze every study that followed people on diets for two to five years. We found that the majority of people regained all the weight, plus more.” 

“We concluded most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all. Their weight would be pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back.” 

Yes, diets do work in the short term. But the majority of people can only stay on a diet for up to 6 weeks, while some only last a few days. 

This is because diets focus on the wrong thing! Diets and exercise don’t tackle the DEEP ROOTED emotions, habits, and psychological responses that drive people to overeat. 

Diets and exercise only work on the conscious mind. 

But when we overeat…  

There is always an emotional reason, and usually, it’s for comfort when people are stressed, unhappy, vulnerable, or bored.

10% are angry eaters...  

Another 20% are habitual and ignorant eaters…

And over 70% of overeaters are emotional eaters and addictive eaters. 

Why does this matter?

Because according to the eating disorder charity BEAT...

88% of people who have weight problems have an emotional relationship with food.

And 85% of people eat for comfort because they have a negative body image.

When you are an emotional eater, you use food to soothe away unhappy feelings. And you use food to temporarily solve anger… loneliness… and unhappiness. All because eating temporarily switches off your negative emotions.

But eating will never cure these feelings. It just makes them worse.

Think about it…

One-third of all women snack in secret and then feel ashamed, guilty, embarrassed, and out of control. 

And then these negative feelings create a vicious circle that keeps the overeating going even though you long to be free of it.

Your parents’ relationship with food can also affect how you eat! 

If your mother rarely gave you candy or punished you by removing candy… 

Or if your parents struggled to provide a varied diet, rich in nutritious food… 

The belief you picked up at an early age that has been reinforced over and over again is, "I can’t eat what other people eat" or "I can’t have nice food or treats."

This means when you’re denied the food you want and have no power or say in it… 

You long to have the food other kids have in their lunchbox, in their cupboards, or at their parties.

Years later, when you have access to all those foods you still believe that you shouldn’t have, it’s why you have an ongoing weight battle.

You still have that old belief "It’s not available to me" and "I can’t have what other people have" and "Other people get those foods but I don’t." 

Even though you are trying to consciously deny yourself those foods and want to be free of them, what’s happening is that you feel exactly like that kid who didn’t get them and wanted them. 

Now, you want them even more and feel powerless to resist them.

It’s this thinking that sabotages your diet efforts! 

But this isn’t CONSCIOUS thinking… it’s deeper than that. 

Can you now see why diets, pills, and similar treatments aren't the best long term solution?

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Weight

Before you say, “If I could lose weight just with my thoughts, I’d be my perfect weight already.” 

Let me explain… 

If you want to lose unwanted weight, both your conscious and subconscious minds must agree. 

Dr. Christiane Northrup says, “If your mind is saying, ‘I want to lose weight, I believe I can do so easily,’ and your subconscious mind agrees, you will lose weight.” 

She goes on to say that, “If your subconscious mind holds the belief that you will never be able to achieve your optimal weight, you will most likely struggle to lose weight despite your conscious desire.”

“Remember, your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. So, before attempting to change your diet and exercise routine, it’s a good idea to work on changing your thoughts and beliefs.”

Famous TV Series ‘Supersize vs. Superskinny’ Tested Popular Diets, Pills, Surgery, and Treatments and Revealed Only ONE Simple Strategy That Works Long-Term For Weight Loss 

It Was MY Solution

In 2008, I was part of a TV documentary series Supersize vs Superskinny that was created as a way to show the world how all types of diet plans, pills, and surgeries work. 

After 6 years of trying and testing many different weight loss methods (everything from counseling to liposuction), most of them failed to work long-term and some even had disastrous side effects.

The presenter of the series, Anna Richardson, who had struggled with her weight for most of her life and had tried almost every method available to get to her perfect weight, found that only one method actually worked.

Now, Anna has become a household name in the UK and a role model to millions for her personal transformation. 

I’d like to share her story with you now…

How Anna Reached Her Perfect Weight

Anna shared her deeply personal admission about her weight problem and how she finally overcame it in a major newspaper, The Independent.

She said…  

“For years I’ve struggled with my weight, and I’ve literally tried every diet. I was the reporter for Channel 4’s diet series Supersize vs. Superskinny and my challenge was to immerse myself in the world of extreme diets and to communicate the truth.

At the time of being asked, I was a little insulted. In my head, I was a svelte 126 lb– whereas in reality, I was a hefty 159 lbs. Overweight and in complete denial. A fact that only became apparent to me when I agreed to weigh myself on camera, for the first time in seven years. 

I was devastated. 

So I threw myself with gusto into the diets I was trialing, which included: The Apple Diet (apples…that’s it. Favored by supermodels), Diet pills (ditto), the Baby Food Diet (beloved by Hollywood A-listers), the Maple Syrup Diet (beloved by Beyonce), the Baked Bean Diet (beloved by no-one), and as a last resort, Liposuction (which went wrong).

I was constipated, flatulent, hungry, and in pain. 

And after all this… I only lost a few pounds!

But then it all changed...

The change came when I went to see Marisa Peer. Put simply, I made a decision to change." 

After one session with me, Anna lost over 35 lbs to settle under 135 lbs – the exact weight she considered to be her perfect weight!

"I found myself making better food choices, without realizing it – it was weird,’’ Anna admits.

So how did this happen for Anna?

She was able to effortlessly say no to sugary junk foods and make better food choices using the secret mind ‘rewire’ I’ve been telling you about!

The simple breakthrough program that 'rewires' your mind…

I challenge you to stay open-minded. 

Because this simple program I'm about to reveal has the power to change your life…

But ONLY if you let it! 

Sometimes, we have these preconceived notions or opinions about things that we don’t really understand. And we pick up these beliefs about things everywhere… and we do it both consciously and unconsciously. 

Can you see how this could be a problem when it comes to losing weight?

In fact, this could be the reason you’re struggling with your weight right now. Your beliefs about your weight could have developed over time from your parents, your friends, or even from the random strangers you met over the years! 

No wonder it’s been so hard to lose weight by following a strict diet or workout program!   

But what if there was a simple Harvard Medical School secret that everyday women like Wendy, A-list celebrities, and even royalty have used to change their beliefs, so they can lose weight and keep it off longer? 

Could you see how that could make losing weight almost effortless? 

So what is this secret to losing weight and keeping it off for good? 

It’s hypnosis.

And before you say that hypnosis doesn’t work or that it’s fake, let me set the record straight on a few things: 

Hypnosis is NOT the hypnosis you see on TV where people cluck around like a chicken…

Hypnosis is NOT mind control…  

Hypnosis is NOT magic… 

Hypnosis does NOT make you do anything you don’t want to do… 

And hypnosis does NOT harm you or others in any way! 

In fact, it’s the exact opposite of all of these things. 

My hypnosis program works to reprogram your mind to love healthy food, lose weight, and keep it off forever. 

At one point in time, I was in such high demand that I was only able to work with top tier clients like celebrities and Olympic athletes… 

But because of how the world has shifted online and my need to help others, I’ve created a way where I’m more accessible. 

This program has already helped thousands of women across the globe, including everyday women and A-listers… and I’m confident it can work for you too. 

In fact, Michael Yapko, PhD, a psychologist and fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis says, "Hypnosis works and it really does help people."

And Harvard Medical School psychotherapist Jean Fain says, "Adding hypnosis to your weight loss efforts can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer!"

“Our findings suggest hypnosis is very effective in producing weight loss. Clinicians should view hypnosis as a promising treatment option for obesity,” says clinical psychologist Leonard Milling.

Here Are 3 Simple Ways That Hypnosis 'Rewires' Your Subconscious So You Can Lose Weight & Keep It Off Longer

#1: Reprograms your mind

Breaking negative eating habits can be hard when you don’t know what’s causing them. Somewhere along the line, we must have developed an abnormal relationship with food.

It partly explains why millions of us now struggle with our weight. 

So in order to lose weight and keep it off you must be able to track back to where, how, and why you developed an abnormal relationship with food. Because once you’ve pinpointed the origin of your problem, you’ll be able to fix it by forming a healthy relationship with food. 

#2: Helps you make healthier choices 

Your beliefs make you. So if you believe that chocolate cures all your problems, you aren’t going to be very successful at giving up chocolate for very long! 

But once you change that belief system on a deep, unconscious and subconscious level, you really are free. So much so that you will be able to have chocolate in the house and sit with other people who are eating it utterly uninterested.

You’ll feel indifferent to junk food without ever feeling restricted or deprived. And you’ll be equipped with the tools that put YOU in control of eating selectively and making the right choices.

#3: Keeps you lean and slim for longer 

Once you’re able to address the root cause of overeating, you’ll then be able to transform your mindset to help you put an end to the issue. How? By transforming your mindset from within.

You’ll be able to stay lean and slim longer because you’ll be conditioned and motivated to eat less, eat selectively, and eat healthier. This is done healthily using hypnosis which rewires your mind, creating powerful new pathways, so you completely let go of negative eating habits. 

The hypnotic language combined with effective mind-changing techniques enables you to become free of dieting and cravings. You could break all negative eating habits, so you see results very quickly and keep them longer. 

Why Hypnosis Is the Perfect Answer For Losing Weight…

Don't worry, hypnosis is NOT magic or mind control… 

You won’t be forced to do anything you don’t want to do…

And you won’t ever be harmed experiencing hypnosis.    

But if there was a perfect answer to help you lose weight and keep it off for good, it’d be hypnosis! 


Because not only is it simple to do, there's no vigorous exercise program or crazy restrictive diet plan to follow.

You just lay down and relax listening to it for less than 30 minutes each day over the next 21 days.

It even works if you fall asleep!

Not to mention, hypnosis is relaxing (almost spa-like), it’s healing, and it’s great for getting some much needed "me" time. 

In fact, hypnosis has been used to improve people’s quality of life for over 200 years. 

Now you know the secret mind ‘rewire’ that celebrities and CEOs have been using to stay so thin…

And you have access to one of the most highly sought after weight loss hypnosis programs in the world… the same program that celebrities use! 

My hypnosis program focuses on re-activating, re-manifesting, and regenerating the perfect attitude to food that you were born with.   

Purchase the Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle TODAY and you’ll receive access to a series of hypnosis tracks. We offer these different tracks because weight loss is not a "One Size Fits All."  

Because your journey isn’t the same as other people’s journeys, I am providing you with access to my audiobook program, as well as several hypnotic downloads. 

You can listen to these audio programs when you’re going to bed, sitting down at your desk, or even lying on the couch at home.

However, I suggest you start by listening to The Root Cause Session which will help you pinpoint the origin of your eating problems. Once you understand why you’ve been struggling to lose weight, I suggest you listen to the Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis.

Just put it on and even if you half fall asleep, it works to reboot your mind. 

Here is the step-by-step process to take after you unlock instant access to the Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle today…

Step #1: Powerful Hypnotic Root Cause Session: $49 Value!

The Powerful Hypnotic Root Cause Session helps you track back to where, how, and why you developed an abnormal relationship with food. And once you’ve pinpointed the origin of your problem, you’ll be so much better equipped to fix it. This is why we suggest you start with the Powerful Hypnotic Root Cause Session because once you understand the timeline of your learned behavior, you can unlearn it.

Step #2: The Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis: $49 Value!

The Perfect Weight Forever hypnosis rewires your mind, creating powerful new pathways, so you completely let go of negative eating habits. The hypnotic language combined with effective mind-changing techniques enables you to become free of dieting and cravings, so you see results very quickly and keep them longer. After you do your Powerful Hypnotic Root Cause Session, we suggest you listen to the Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis every day for the next 21 days.  

Step #3: Perfect Weight Forever Audiobook & E-book: $19 Value

The Perfect Weight Forever audiobook and e-book help you understand and use your subconscious mind's power for your weight loss success. It helps you become aware of how you’re programmed to eat and how to reprogram yourself for success. If you have some extra time each day, we suggest you listen to this e-book or read the e-book along with listening to the hypnosis audio each day over the next 21 days.

Step #4: Hypnotic Weight Control Audio Hypnosis: $49 Value!

The Hypnotic Weight Control hypnosis motivates you to form a healthy relationship with food and to prefer healthy food while being indifferent to junk food… without ever feeling restricted or deprived. It gives you direct mental commands that program and condition you to eat selectively and to make the right choices. We suggest you listen to this after you finish listening to the Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis for 21 days. 

Step #5: Hypnotic Gastric Band Audio Hypnosis: $49 Value!

The Hypnotic Gastric Band hypnosis addresses your overeating at the root cause and helps transform your mindset to help you put an end to overeating. This hypnosis audio will condition and motivate you to eat less, eat selectively, and eat healthily. We suggest you listen to this after you finish listening to the Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis for 21 days. 

The best part? 
It's an AMAZING value at just $99 (originally $215!)

Total Value: $215

YOUR PRICE: Only $99!


100% Satisfaction
14-Day Money Back Guarantee

But, that's not all.. 

I wanted to make your decision to purchase Perfect Weight Forever the easiest decision you will ever make…

So I am going to send you 3 FREE bonus audio courses!


Overcoming Social Anxiety 
($49 Value!)

Imagine a life where you are anxiety-free, feel utterly content in yourself, and have no more racing, worried thoughts—a life of ease and comfort where you are ready to tackle anything. 
That’s the goal of the self-hypnosis audio Overcome Social Anxiety. 
Repeatedly listening to this audio can help you:

Feel an inner sense of peace, tranquility, and serenity radiating from within you.

Develop bullet-proof confidence, control, 
and self-love. 

Break free from anxious thoughts—and have an inner coping mechanism 
and clear perspective.


($49 Value!)

When you feel lovable inside, the shift is transformative, and the world falls in love with you.

The ‘Lovability’ audio course reprograms your mind to believe that you are lovable (which you are and 
deserve to be).

It works by reprogramming your mind for love to attract healthy, loving, and long-lasting relationships. When you reinstall these beliefs, they will be so strong that other people will sense them too.

You will be able to receive and give love more easily and maintain fulfilling relationships.


Selective & Moderate Drinking 
($49 Value!)

This audio reprograms your mind so that you become and stay a selective and moderate drinker.

Your mind will be reprogramed so that you stop drinking after one or two drinks and only drink a few times a week.

It will not be something you have to consciously focus on.

Instead, it will help you not miss alcohol even if the people around you drink in your presence.

When You Unlock Instant Access to The Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle Today You'll Receive:

Perfect Weight Forever Audiobook & E-Book [$19 Value]
The Root Cause Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
Hypnotic Weight Control Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
Hypnotic Gastric Band Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
Perfect Weight Forever Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
BONUS #1: Overcoming Social Anxiety Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
BONUS #2: Lovability Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
BONUS #3: Selective & Moderate Drinking Audio Hypnosis [$49 Value]
That’s $362 in TOTAL VALUE!

Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle

Total Value: $362

YOUR PRICE: Only $99!


What People Are Saying About Perfect Weight Forever: 

No Longer Constantly Craving Sweets 
(Down 33 lbs!)

"I was eating 7 chocolate bars a day and I found that I got moody if I didn't have my fix. I finally realized my problem was serious. Marisa helped reprogram my mind so that I no longer associate chocolate with happiness. It was amazing, for the first time in my adult life, I didn't feel like I needed chocolate. As a result, the weight has dropped off me and I'm now 130 lbs and wear a size 6!"


Absolutely Love it and Recommend!

"It has definitely helped me dealing with my food issues. Also I feel empowered to make changes. What I love the most is that I can have it for all my life, I can play whenever I feel like I need it. 
Thank you :)"


It Works!

I've tried everything under the sun, from Paleo, Keto, Raw Food, Lemon Juice Diet, Intuitive Eating & Green Smoothie Diet to mention a few. I've been struggling with my weight for the past 10 years (I'm 46 now). After 25 days of Marisa's program and hypnotherapy, I can happily say, I'm 12 pounds lighter, never hungry, feel like I'm eating in a sustainable way, and just loving life for the first time in ages! I know like me, you may be skeptical. It's worth the risk!!


What Would It Be Worth To You If You Could 
Be Your Perfect Weight FOREVER?

Seriously, take a moment...

What would it be worth to you if you could be your Perfect Weight FOREVERWITHOUT needing the expensive gym memberships, diet pills, or dangerous, painful surgery? 

How much could you save on food bills, prescriptions, medications, and doctor visits? 

How would you feel if you could avoid working out and still fit into your favorite clothes? 

If you were your ideal weight, you could: 

  • Have the energy to finally coach your daughter’s soccer team…
  • Feel energized all day to go on hikes, play tennis, golf and do all the other activities you love…
  • ​Be able to keep up with your kids and grandkids…
  • ​Look forward to shopping for new clothes and enjoy trying them on in the dressing room...
  • ​Stand front and center and not shy away from family photos...

You deserve to LIVE a life where your weight doesn't hold you back from enjoying it.

The best news is that you won’t need expensive gym memberships, diet pills, or dangerous painful surgery to get to your ideal weight… 

You’ll save on food bills and health costs… 

And you won't even have to work out like crazy to fit into your favorite clothes!  

You’ll be able to have all of this because of Perfect Weight Forever

That is why this life-changing transformational program is accessible to everyone for a small investment in yourself and your long-term health.

Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle

Total Value: $362

YOUR PRICE: Only $99!


100% Satisfaction
14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Are You Happy As You Are?

Most likely not if you are here reading this....

You may feel as if you're not enough. 

Giving into eating junk food makes you feel guilty. It makes you feel like a failure. 

And it will only get more difficult the more you think this way. 

However, this is not the case at all. 

End the vicious cycle with Perfect Weight Forever. 

Imagine Your Future For a Moment… 

I want you to walk with me for a moment. Come with me into the very near future and imagine yourself three weeks from today. Did you notice how much more energy you have? 

How happy are you to get dressed and admire yourself in the mirror each morning? 

You are not. Are you? 

How you slept much better and how you feel so much more like yourself after less than a week using Perfect Weight Forever.

Now walk with me just a little bit further in time out to the 30-day mark. 

It's 30 days from this very moment. Life feels fresh, full of potential, lighter, less constrained.

You feel an overwhelming sense of confidence…

And it is a gift you get to receive every single day on demand. 

In just 30 seconds, you remember back to when you first read about Perfect Weight Forever some 30 days ago and you remember a feeling you had. 

"This sounds like something I absolutely have to try for myself, I have nothing to lose.”

Remember that today.  

You're feeling pretty good about that decision, aren't you? 

Your faith was rewarded and now a person who looks and feels younger, healthier, and happier is staring back at you in the mirror every morning. 

There are days now when embarrassment, disappointment, and frustration feels like nothing more than a distant memory. 

You've recaptured your essence, the younger version of you who is free from making unhealthy food choices, excited for tomorrow, eager to go all out, and ready to take a bite out of life.

And this future, the one I painted for you, is one that begins right now today in the here and now.


By joining other women like Wendy in losing weight with Perfect Weight Forever.

Wendy, who went from feeling like she wasn't enough to...

Spending more time with her kids, coaching the soccer team, and feeling fantastic in her clothes.

Which is why I’m offering the Perfect Weight Forever for just $99 today. 

Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle

Total Value: $362

YOUR PRICE: Only $99!


100% Satisfaction
14-Day Money Back Guarantee

“What I Do Is Beyond Hypnosis”

I studied hypnotherapy at the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles, which is known as one of the top hypnotherapy training establishments in the world.

I have spent the last three decades treating an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs, and media personalities. 

I’ve authored 6 best-selling books and also have worked on television and radio. I’ve developed my own style that is frequently referred to as "life-changing."

But I don’t like to call myself just a hypnotherapist because I am so much, much more than that. I have studied anti-aging, health, and long-term wellness techniques at the Pritkin Longevity Center. 

For a long time, I thought people had to see me personally to have a session with me. And I’ve flown all over the world to have sessions with clients, but I’ve always wanted to make myself more available to everyone.
And now it’s finally a reality… I can’t wait to help you reach your perfect weight forever!

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll Know Perfect Weight Forever Will Work For You If: 

You’ve tried everything and nothing has worked long-term for you…

You focus on eating too much, eating the wrong food, rewarding yourself with food, or even punishing yourself by not having food…

You’ve been focusing on suppressing your appetite, limiting your calories, and avoiding your favorite foods—which just makes you want them even more…

You’ve been telling yourself it’s okay to eat whatever you want because you’re working out anyway… 

You’ve been focusing on just changing your actions (eat less and workout) instead of focusing on changing your beliefs about food… 

So if any one of these describes you, then the Perfect Weight Forever program may be just what you’re looking for to lose weight and keep it off longer!

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis rewires your mind, creating powerful new pathways, so you completely let go of negative habits. The hypnotic language works to break all your negative eating habits, so you see results very quickly and keep them longer. 

Who Is Perfect Weight Forever For?

This course is perfect for you if you are looking to reach and maintain your perfect weight. If you feel like you have tried everything - expensive pills, excessive dieting, endless boring workouts in the gym and you are still struggling, this course is for you.

How Long Should I Spend On Perfect Weight Forever?

It is recommended that you listen to each of the three hypnosis audios for at least 21 days and up to 6 weeks to get the best results. You should use The Root Cause Session as often as you need.

How Will I Get Access To Perfect Weight Forever?

Course access details will be sent to your email address immediately after purchase. Please allow up to ten minutes for them to arrive.

What Happens If It’s Not For Me?

We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee if you find Perfect Weight Forever is not for you. But we do ask that you really try and commit to the course to see the best results.

How Do I Use This Program?

The beauty of the ‘audio book’ is that you can listen to it anywhere, at any time. You can listen to it on the commute to work. You can listen to it while in the gym, in the bath, or even doing chores. Anytime at all, even if you are getting your hair or nails done. 

The ‘hypnosis tracks’ should be listened to in a safe and relaxing place where you will not be disturbed. It takes just minutes. 

How Do I Know This Will Work For Me When Nothing Else Has Worked Before?

This will work for you because we are not focusing on changing the action. Instead, we are focusing on what is running the action, and reprogramming your actions, and changing your whole belief system. How? By changing your belief system on a deep, unconscious and subconscious level, which will result in you finally being free. 

How Long Will It Take Before You Start To See Results With Perfect Weight Forever? 

It does not take your mind very long to give up an old belief and replace it with a new one. With the Perfect Weight Forever program, you are giving up very destructive, harmful beliefs and replacing them with positive ones. With that being said, you could start to see results as quickly as 10 days. But we suggest you do the hypnosis sessions for at least 21 days.

How is Perfect Weight Forever Different From Other Products Out There?

Perfect Weight Forever focuses on re-activating, re-manifesting, and regenerating the perfect attitude to food that you were born with. And because of new technology you can do this from anywhere in the world. 

For a long time, I thought people had to see me personally to have a session with me. And I’ve flown all over the world to have sessions with clients, but I’ve always wanted to make myself more available to everyone.

Perfect Weight Forever Hypnosis Bundle

Total Value: $362

YOUR PRICE: Only $99!


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14-Day Money Back Guarantee

   Have Any More Questions? 
If you have any questions or concerns about Perfect Weight Forever, please email us at